Leverage your Corptax investment to the max!
Supercharge your skillset and keep up with corporate tax trends. Dive into 74 basic-to-advanced training sessions including ALL NEW and HOT TOPIC classes like the sampling below.
New Sessions
Corptax Global Minimum Tax and Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax
Learn how to navigate changes and optimize planning with the Corptax GMT risk analysis and CAMT modeling solution. Leverage info already in Corptax such as trial balances, provision data, and/or Country-by-Country reporting information to estimate jurisdictional top-up tax risk as a result of model GloBE rules.
Getting Started with Alteryx
Review Alteryx basics covering data preparation and analysis. Connect to Corptax data, learn to navigate the interface, and use key tools and functions.
Creating Dashboards with Power BI
Intermediate Power BI users: create interactive dashboards! Learn best practices to leverage Corptax data for visualizations and reports to share with others.
From Provision Data to Analysis
The data is there – discover how to summarize it! Learn how to take provision reporting to the next level using tools such as Corptax Office, Power BI, and Alteryx.
International Planning and Provision
Learn how international setup options help you prepare for tax law changes in both planning and provision scenarios. Gain insight from Corptax professionals on key data needed and how to set up scenarios to analyze impacts on your organization. Share experiences with peers to avoid pitfalls and successfully use Corptax for your international planning needs.
Hot Topic Sessions
Big Data and Cloud Computing for Tax Analytics
Explore the basics of big data and cloud computing and how they can be used for tax analytics. Topics include data warehousing, data lake, and cloud-based analytics platforms.
Data Analytics: Tools and Templates
Let Corptax tools and templates provide a jumpstart to your data analytics. Use pre-built templates to import outside data into Corptax and pull data out for analysis. Learn how to access these tools and templates and use them according to best practices.
Corptax Web Services API and Connectors
Explore the basics of Corptax Web Services API, using it to automate tasks and data processing, and understanding different API types. Connect to Corptax Web Services API, best practices, and troubleshooting.
Product Update: The Future of Corptax
Get a preview of enhancements to Corptax products for the 2024 year that will elevate your Corptax processes. Come ready to provide your feedback that will impact the future of our product.
Improve Efficiency with Corptax Automation Tools
Discover multiple Corptax tools that make your tax processes more practical and productive. Learn which tools match your needs and help you meet the many demands of tax, analysis, and reporting obligations.
Face Audits with Confidence
Are you staring down an audit or afraid one is lurking? Discover how Corptax reports and tools can help you prepare. Share your audit experiences with your peers.
Corptax: A Single Solution for the Business of Tax
Learn the benefits and opportunities that come from using a single database-driven tax system. We willl show you how Corptax increases the tax department’s effectiveness and efficiency by using a common database that leverages a single source of the truth throughout the tax lifecycle. Increase your knowledge of the feature-rich products and tools Corptax offers.
AIT Overview
Simplify, standardize, and automate your provision process. Get in on the future of Corptax Accounting for Income Taxes (AIT) and how it can take your provision processing to the next level.